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Manazil al-Sa'irin ila al-Haqq al-Mubin منازل السائرين الى الحق المبين
By: Ansari al-Harawi, Abi Ismail ابي اسماعيل الهروي الانصاري (d.481/1089) / Tilmisani, Afif al-Din (d. 690/1291)

Language: Arabic


منازل السائرين إلى الحق المبين
عبد الله بن محمد الأنصاري الهروي ، ١٠٠٦-١٠٨٩
( أبي إسماعيل الأنصاري الهروي )
شرح عفيف الدين سليمان بن علي التلمساني

'Stations of the Wayfarers' by Abu Ismail Abd Allah bin Muhammad al-Ansari al-Harawi (396/1006 - 481/1089). An early Sufi work on issues of the heart and following the correct path. Al-Harawi's works inspired Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Each chapter will cause the reader to reflect and contemplate what is in the heart and how to follow the right path. With explanation of Alif al-Din Sulayman ibn Ali Tilimsani (d. 690/1291)

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Product Details
By:Ansari al-Harawi, Abi Ismail ابي اسماعيل الهروي الانصاري (d.481/1089) / Tilmisani, Afif al-Din (d. 690/1291)
Pages: 416 pp
Publisher:Dar Ihya Arabi, Beirut 2016
Dimensions:17 x 24 cm
Topic:Early Work - Sufism - Spiritual Development

Manazil al-Sa'irin ila al-Haqq al-Mubin  منازل السائرين الى الحق المبين

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